
ladies' man:

Or: lady's-man :

1. A man who enjoys and attracts the company of women; an erotocrat .
SYNONYMS: belle-boy ; boomer ; Casanova (casanova); Chief-Boot-Knocka ; feminine-heart-pumper ; gallant ; God's-gift-to-women ; great-lover ; heartbreaker ; heart-breaker-upper ; heart-crusher ; heart-smasher ; high-voltage-sheik ; hotcha ; hot-flame ; king-of-clubs ; knave-of-hearts ; ladies'-choice ; ladies'-cherce ; lady-killer ; ladybug ; Lothario ; lounge-beetle ; lounge-lizard ; love-pirate ; lover ; man-of-affairs ; parlor-lizard ; playboy ; popular-with-the-ladies ; queener ; Romeo ; sheik; smooth-operator ; smoothie ; spark ; sparker ; squaw-man ; sugar-cookie ; supper-jet ; tea-hound ; thriller ; wolf ; woman's-home-companion ; young-blade ; young-buck .
SEE ALSO: philanderer .


(1) Carmen Navarro (Carmen Miranda) and her fiance Lionel Deveraux (Groucho Marx) in Copacabana (1947):
-- Carmen: ' Why are you always chasing women? '
-- Lionel: ' I'll tell you as soon as I catch one .'

(2) Capt. Henri Rochard (Cary Grant) and Lt. Catherine Gates (Ann Sheridan) speaking of her admirer in I Was a Male War Bride (1949):
-- Henri: ' I think he's stuck-on you. What's the matter with him? '
-- Catherine: ' It's only natural that you wouldn't understand, Henri .'
-- Henri: ' It certainly is .'
-- Catherine: ' You see , you chase after anything in skirts, anything. They're all the same to you. But lots of men can tell them apart. Believe me, sometimes they find one they like better than the others. That's called love . You probably haven't experienced it but you must have read about it somewhere .'

(3) Capt. Henri Rochard (Cary Grant) and Lt. Catherine Gates (Ann Sheridan) speaking of her admirer in I Was a Male War Bride (1949):
-- Henri: ' Why did you say I run-after everything in skirts? '
-- Catherine: ' I didn't .'
-- Henri: ' You did .'
-- Catherine: ' I said anything .'
-- Henri: ' American women! '

2. A man who strives for the attention and admiration of women.

3. A man who pursues women; a woman-chaser .

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